3. You can’t go wrong with food
Does your partner like food? If so, we have fool-proof advice for you. Take her to a restaurant for a nice meal and propose to her on this occasion. Another idea, which requires at least a basic skills in the kitchen and knowledge of food, recipes and appliances, is to cook the food YOURSELF. While there is a risk the meal will be a failure, but believe me, every woman will be blown away by your initiative and especially the effort.
4. For lovers of surprises and playfulness
There are those among us who love surprises, or at least their partners love them. You can actually surprise her in any way – at work, when cleaning the house, during Sunday afternoon coffee, on Christmas ... But please always consider whether the proposal is suitable in the given situation. A very original and playful version of a proposal is a “treasure hunt”, where you prepare the clues according to which your partner will proceed, with the “box” being the final treasure.
5. Be prepared
So, somehow you've already reached the situation where you're opening the box with the engagement ring and …? Now what? What to say? Your partner stares at you, you stare back at her and there is an embarrassing silence. You definitely want to avoid this, so whether you like it or not, you have to engage your creativity, preferably your poetic sense, and plan a good speech in which you mention why you made this decision and what your girlfriend means to you, ideally not too long or short.
A final bit of advice: Relax and be yourself.
Remember, a proposal is an expression of love between two people that are to spend the rest of their lives together. It should really come from the heart and suit your style. There is no need to have the most original, most expensive or most stylish proposal at all costs. Therefore, just be yourself. Fingers crossed!